How to ensure a good health whilst making some minor changes in our daily routine ?

Damien Matcham
In the current technologically advanced world, people are often ignoring the relevance of a good health in their daily lives. While most of us are busy running around with our daily schedules, others are going down with all the unwanted health issues and stress levels. So what actually is the solution to all this? Damien Matcham, one of the most sought after health specialist in Australia, place down certain key points in the same regards.

Former Katungul CEO Damien Matcham

Healthy Diet

Damien Matcham strongly advise for following a healthy dietary routine and as per him, any given person this planet must include a diet which constitute of proteins, fibers healthy carbs and fats in their platter. He also say that people across the globe usually follow a diet which is high on carbs and fats and this is something which is giving rise to a lot of health issues in the process.

In order to do that, one can include fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, fish, nuts and whole grains into their diet as that will fulfill their daily quota of nutrients.

Damien Matcham Tasmania

Former Katungul CEO Damien Matcham further says that along with a healthy diet, you must also follow a healthy sleep routine on daily basis. With healthy sleep, he means that an average person must sleep for around 6-8 hours on a daily basis and this would provide enough rest to the body and the functioning organs on a daily basis. Well, sleeping for 6-8 hours means that the person is taking that much sleep in one stretch and not breaking it into small naps during the day.
 Damien Matcham


Besides following a healthy diet and sleep, the person must practice exercising on a daily basis as that would improve the overall blood circulation in the veins. Well, the improved blood circulation would eventually put away a lot of health issue and ailments in the process and the person can assure a healthier life for longer periods.

Talking about the exercising routine, the person can go with aerobics, resistance training or even yoga depending upon his/her convenience and schedule. A good exercising session can last for anything around half an hour to 1 ½ hours. As per Former Katungul CEO Damien Matcham, everyone must be aware about the big bunch of benefits brought in by a detailed exercising routine.

Damien Matcham Tasmania

Water intake
Now here comes the most underrated part of the whole subject. While we all know that the 70% part of the human body is water, we often ignore the relevance of this essential beverage in our daily routines. As per Former Katungul CEO Damien Matcham, a healthy person must consume at least 3 liters of water on a daily basis. Not only water hydrates our body and organs with its properties, it also helps in improving the overall digestion process.

The Don’ts
While you have just seen all the Dos for a healthy routine, let’s also take a look at the Don’ts. So, once you are one your way forward to a healthy schedule, you must stay away from Junk food and sugary beverages. This needs to be done in order to cut all the unwanted calories from your daily diet, which then turns into fat. As per Damien Matcham Tasmania, beside, sugary drinks and junk foods, you must also avoid any kind of soda or excess caffeinated drinks in the process.


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