Why obesity comes as one of the biggest threats to people’s health currently?

Damien Matcham Tasmania

Obesity has been counted amongst one of the most threatening health issues for millions of people across the globe. If we talk about a country, specifically the USA, the number of obese people has jumped by a tremendous 35%. Well; this is something which can be blamed for their corrupt eating habits, genetics, unhealthy lifestyles and so many other factors.

Former Katungul CEO Damien Matcham

​As per Damien Matcham, one of the most renowned health services specialists, the situation has become horrific and something needs to be done very soon. Damien Matcham, who himself has achieved a lot in the world of medical sciences, has also published several blogs in the same regards. That said; let’s have a look at certain ways which he has proposed to combat the demon of obesity.

1. Healthy diet

One of the first and foremost changes that you have to bring in your lifestyle is a healthy diet. Talking about a healthy diet, it must include all the nutrition like proteins, carbs, vitamins, minerals and fibers. Whilst doing the same, you must avoid all sorts of sugary or junk stuff in order to get the best out of your diet plan. The diet must include all the fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs and meat in order to feed your body with all the nutritional requirements in the process.

Damien Matcham Tasmania
2Regular exercising
Another thing which you must bring in your schedule is a daily exercising routine. This is required in order to burn all the extra calories in the body and get that perfect physique. Well, Damien Matcham Tasmania says that exercising doesn’t mean you have to lift heavy weights and you can give it a shot whilst doing those mild exercises in the process.

Former Katungul CEO Damien Matcham
3. Regular sleep

You can’t really get the best benefit out of a healthy diet and schedule if you are not taking enough sleep in the process. As pr Former Katungul CEO Damien Matcham, an average person needs to sleep for around 6-8 hours at least in order to get the required rest. This will activate all the body functions in a proper manner.”Although few people nowadays come with sleep issues, they can try out some tried and tested methods in the same case”, Damien Matcham Tasmania said.

Damien Matcham


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